Welcome to the Taiwan Behavioral Economics Association Founded by Henry Kuosim

TBEA is dedicated to exploring the power of behavioral economics, we aim to foster a community where researchers, policymakers, and students come together to explore the power of behavioral economics. Our platform focuses on nudges—small changes in the environment or context that influence decision-making in beneficial ways.

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Featured Research

  • “How Japanese Culture Impacts Nudge Effectiveness”

  • “Cultural Norms in Scandinavia and Nudge Strategies”

  • “Retail Nudges to Reduce Plastic Bag Usage in the US”

Behavioral Economics

The Role of Japanese Culture in Enhancing the Effectiveness of Nudge Interventions

Cultural Psychology

Scandinavian Cultural Norms and the Success of Nudge Strategies for the Common Good

Healthy Eating & Sustainability

Reducing Plastic Bag Consumption in the US
Featured blog's

Convenience Nudges: Enhancing Healthy Food Choices in US Educational Institutions

  Behavioral nudges have emerged as an effective tool for encouraging healthier food choices in...

Labeling Nudges: Enhancing Healthy Eating Choices in Educational Institutions

Behavioral nudges, particularly labeling nudges, are proving to be effective in encouraging...

Sensory Nudges: Enhancing Healthy Eating Habits in Educational Institutions

Behavioral nudges are powerful tools in encouraging healthier food choices, particularly in...

The Role of Educational Programs in Promoting Healthier Eating Habits

Educational programs in schools have been shown to effectively improve demand for healthier eating...

The Role of Japanese Culture in Enhancing the Effectiveness of Nudge Interventions

Japan’s unique cultural values and societal structure offer a fascinating lens through which to...

Scandinavian Cultural Norms and the Success of Nudge Strategies for the Common Good

Scandinavian countries, known for their strong emphasis on equality, trust, and environmental...

Retail Nudges: Reducing Plastic Bag Consumption in the US

The environmental impact of plastic bag usage has long been a concern in the United States. To...

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Empowering communities through research and discussion to promote healthier and more sustainable behaviors